Artificial Cedar Tree
Cedar Trees are known for their beauty, strength, and scent. Our Artificial Cedar Trees don’t have that distinctive wood smell, but they rival the real thing in other respects. TreeScapes & PlantWorks creates Artificial Cedar Trees made from real wood or steel core trunks. You can specify any dimensions, which gives our faux versions a big advantage.
Living Cedar Trees can grow to enormous sizes, which usually prohibits their use in small or indoor spaces. The bark is appealing to dogs and various rodents, which can cause damage to a real Cedar Tree. Artificial Cedar Trees require virtually no maintenance, won’t outgrow their space, and don’t attract animals.
This item is available as a Fabricated or Replica item. The product images may show a different version of this product; please note that variations in material and appearance may occur. Additionally, all items are custom made to specifications and completely unique. Please contact us directly if you have any questions or would like additional reference images. Email or call 1-800-527-8884.
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