Restaurants | Natural Bamboo Poles at Sapporo Restaurant

Natural Bamboo Poles at Sapporo Restaurant

Natural bamboo poles at Sapporo Restaurant
Interior of the Sapporo Restaurant
Natural bamboo poles in planter at Sapporo Restaurant
Natural bamboo poles used as divider at Sapporo Restaurant
Close up of Fabricated Green Bamboo Cane
Natural bamboo poles inside Sapporo Restaurant
Natural bamboo poles serving as space divider at Sapporo Restaurant

Natural Bamboo Poles at Sapporo Restaurant

Sapporo Restaurant in Arizona did a full interior remodel with custom design, specialty renovation and building. Our team was challenged with creating a Bamboo screen that would be installed in two existing planters, totaling over 40 linear feet. We made and installed our Natural Green Bamboo Cane to use as space partitions. We also used potted clumps of the same bamboo as decorative accent plants.

Sapporo Restaurant is now Kasai Scottsdale – Japanese Steakhouse.


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