Grapevine Trunks

Grapevine trunks are just one of the many woods used in creating artificial trees, particularly our bonsai. We also use Manzanita, Rough Oak and all hardwoods – TreeScapes & PlantWorks uses only authentic trunks and materials in recreating our award-winning artificial trees.

In nature, a grapevine trunk is also called “old wood”. It is the grapevine’s major stem and longest shoot and is balanced by the root system. Although vintners use an elaborate growing system of trellis wires for grapevines, grapevines grow naturally on trees. In the woods in the East and Midwest, one might see wild grapes hanging from the trees. Grapevines are designed to grow upward, much as trees do.

Grapevine trunks are the main upright structure of the grapevine from which grape cordons, shoots, and canes may arise. The vines may have more than one trunk.

Grapevine trunks are stocky, woodsy, and twisty in shape. They vary in size and circumference depending on their age and grape. The town of Chiltern in Victoria, Australia, says it has the largest grapevine trunk on record, measuring 72 1/2 inches at the base.

For artificial bonsai, grapevine trunks are used to create various sizes. You select the foliage from dozens of choices. An average featured size is 3 feet tall.

TreeScapes & PlantWorks can help you showcase permanent bonsai accents in various sizes, from tabletop to 14 foot free-standing. Our designers build each tree to reflect motion and form similar to The Lone Cypress at Pebble Beach’s famous 17 Mile Drive on the California coast. Many types of foliage are used, including UV rated for outdoor use and colorfastness.

Each bonsai can hold its own in your gallery or design project. They are realistic looking works of plant art. Grapevine trunks are used in some of those designs.

Artificial bonsai do not require water, maintenance, trimming, or worry that they will die. Enjoy their beauty in your apartment, home, office, or where ever you wish to have a little piece of – thanks in part to grapevine trunks!