
TreeScapes & PlantWorks have decades of industry experience, a history of product innovations, and a close eye on the newest design and decor innovations. This means that we have a wealth of information that can help you with project inspiration, planning, design, and more.

Design Studio

The newest resource from TreeScapes & PlantWorks is our exclusive TreeScapes Studio services. We’re pleased to offer clients a range of planning options upon request!

Receive a free basic project studio design or more detailed and advanced renderings in a variety of formats. From CAD drawings to mockups, we have the tools you need to visualize how our trees and plants will fit in your space.

Additional Resources:

  • White Papers
  • Press Releases
  • Media Mentions
  • Tree & Plant Guides
  • Videos
  • Blog Articles
Press Release: TreeScapes & PlantWorks Acquire Patent for Treelusions® Trees
White Paper: How to Make the Next Instagrammable Space
Press Release: TreeScapes & PlantWorks Partner with One Tree Planted
White Paper: Basics of Biophilic Design
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